You are here: Using > Transmit > Import Database

Import Database


The Import Database retrieves (downloads) the database from the Clearinghouse to the local government's computer system. The benefit of this option is the elimination of the need to access the secure website and manually download. The purpose would be if the Clearinghouse requested your database to do some testing of a problem, to combine or replace using an ASCII or Excel file, or in the event of a loss of your database due to a disaster or new computer and the previous database was not saved.


Frequency: this option should only be executed when instructed by the Clearinghouse. 


this menu requires access rights assigned in the User Setup.


- the database is only available for 10 days before it is automatically deleted. However, it can be restored by contacting the Clearinghouse


- this option will replace your entire database of debtors, debts, users, account codes and settings. It should only be done when instructed by the Clearinghouse via email or telephone.



1. From the Main Menu click Transmit:



There are two functions within Transmit:




 2. Move the mouse over the Import from Clearinghousefunction to view the four options:



3. Move the mouse over Import Database and click this option: 


4. The following screen appears:


5. Click


6. Click to return to the main menu: